Rani Chundawat Sati Mata Temple, Beelwa, Khetri, Rajasthan

A narrow dusty road winding up the curtains of the Bhopalgarh fort in the mountains of Beelwa led us to an ancient, unknown, offbeat temple - Rani Chundawat Sati Mandir near Khetri in Rajasthan.

The trails were empty, devoid of any human beings or vehicles, and our lone but sturdy jeep bumpily trudged along with the unkempt bushes, Bhopalgarh fortress walls and the craggy mountains for company. A good 30 minutes later, we reached the Chundawat Rani Temple, which is also the patron deity of some of the castes of the state.

Way to Chuundawat Rani, Beelwa Khetri Rajasthan
On the way up the mountain

The temple is a small, simple structure overlooking the rest of the city below.

Rani Chundawat Dadi Sati Mandir Beelwa Khetri Rajasthan
Steps the umbrella or chatri atop the Temple

There is a huge living rock in the center of the temple with the impersonification of the Mother Goddess Chundawat Rani covered with vermillion as the main image. Decorated with a saree, gold ornaments and colorful garlands, She wields great power and fulfills the wishes of all those who come to her. Red colored threads or molis hang on the railing of the sanctum sanctorum tying their their hopes, their heart with Hers.

Main gate of Rani Chundawat Dadi Sati Temple in Rajasthan
Rani Chundawat Dadi Sati Temple in Rajasthan
The living Godess - Rani Chundawat Sati Mata Mandir

A fleet of stairs takes you to the temple at the top of the mountain. The architecture is simple yet the arches all around make for a beautiful sight. Zoom into any one of those arches and the view one gets from the mountain top is simply mesmerizing!

Architectural beauty Rani Chundawat Dadi Sati Mandir Beelwa Khetri Rajasthan
Beautiful ornate arches of the temple
Stunning views of Rani Chundawat Dadi Sati Temple in Rajasthan
Mesmerizing view of the city from the hilltop

Tips and other Information about Chundawat Sati Mata Temple:

The temple is situated a few mtrs. outside the Bhopalgarh fort curtains in Khetri.

You have to hire a jeep from the base of the mountain who will take you to the temple top. The cost of the jeep for 5 of us was Rs. 700/-.

Address of the temple: Fort Road, Beelwa, Jhunjhunu - 333503.

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  1. What a nice temple. The architectural structure is nice and we feel the culture in temple. Hope we visit someday and see that wonderful temple. Thanks for sharing us and keep sharing.

  2. The trip to the temple looks like an adventure, and the beauty of the temple and the surrounding mountains calms the soul. Also, to have this peaceful place to yourselves is incredible. Snowing here on my mountain.

  3. Nice write up Arti. The structure is simple and colourful. Loved the trip up the small hill. Thank you.

  4. Loving the pistachio green colouring of those columns. Thank you for yet another wonderful experience.

  5. Great Blog post. Really exciting. Keep up the good work.


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