Soulie Saturday #15: Where Nature So Pure... (ISKCON Temple, Pandharpur)

Walking the nature trail in Pandharpur ISKCON Temple
Nature trail at ISKCON Temple Guest House, Pandharpur.

Take me there,
where nature so pure,
lays it all bare…
Birds sing in delight,
a melody so soothing,
it sends the breeze in twirling flight.
The soaring trees reach for the heavens,
pin drop silences,
broken only by Your presence.

Take me there,
where nature so pure,
lays it all bare…
So what if the road is torn and dirty?
worn out, in patches murky.
There’s a unique joy in this walking
an unparalleled excitement,
so much of living and learning,
in every single bend.

Take me there,
where nature so pure,
lays it all bare…
The filtering sunshine melts my heart,
all worldly chaos miles apart.
Like a little bud,
untainted and rare,
unfurling delicately,
bursting in bloom,
in Your tender care.

Take me there…
no worries to be afraid,
an unkempt road,
led by faith,
 Where else can this be but your garden,
kept by light and love,
your one and only warden.

Yeah, take me there...
where a soul so pure,
so free,
says a little dirt road prayer,
lays her heart all open... and bare.

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Unplanned morning walks are the best, aren't they? This soulie is reminiscent of a few peaceful moments spent in the company of nature during my stay at ISKCON Temple, Pandharpur. Do watch out for a detailed post (with more pictures) coming soon!

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This post is part of an ongoing series called Soulie Saturday on My Yatra Diary..., a spiritual exploration of that which is Unseen and a celebration of that Ultimate sacred space we yearn for - within and without - and the riches we carry in our own hearts. Click on the preceding "Soulie Saturday" link to view all posts in the series, or visit the initial overview post that inspired me to start this series here.

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  1. I love such stays experiencing nature and silence produced deep within unpaved and road less travel hold! Beautiful narrate and feel in poem.

  2. This poem is so amazing dear. So pure and peaceful like the nature. :) Waiting to see ISKCON at Pandharpur. :)

  3. So nice to see a different view point on the famous temple. I too believe that nature is the purest form of creator and God's way of showing us that she loves us all. I would sure like to visit and stay at the ISKON temple in Pandharpur

  4. This is a nice poem, Arti. (did you write it?) I love poetry, so I appreciated this one. Nature is so good to us, and we can hear so many things, the birds, the animals, and even the wind, if only we listen.

    Have a splendid week, my friend.


    1. You are too kind for your appreciation Sheri, yes, I wrote this but am not a poet. Absolutely agree with you on nature, she is always so inspiring and soothing and any time spent in her company is bliss. Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging comment. Wish you a splendid week, too!

  5. I read in the comments above that you wrote this lovely poem. You my dear do have a talent!

  6. Such beautiful words obviously from the heart. Thank you for sharing.


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