A Melbourne Halloween And An Indian Diwali!

The street was lined with a row of houses – one after another. But what was the use? All the doors were closed. Giving the street a deserted look. Not a single soul in picture. I was walking but I had lost my way. I needed someone whom I could ask for directions. A few more paces and finally, there was some noise. One of the doors had just creaked open. A lady, with a basket in her hands, was at her morning job. She helped me with my way, we smiled and she went back in. Leaving the streets deserted again. But this story is not my main point today. 

What I witnessed there, thereafter, is what I have brought here today – The Halloween. In my entire Melbourne trip, this was my only introduction to Halloween and for someone whom the concept is almost alien, I was left fascinated! Absolutely!

Halloween symbols
 Peeping in: Through the gates

Halloween witch symbol in a house
The witch keeping guard?

Halloween witch at a house in Australia
She's there, everywhere!

Halloween scary symbols at the entrance of a house in Melbourne, Australia
Rightly said: Enter at your own risk!

The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?
~ Edgar Allan Poe

Hello Friends!

I am back from my trip to Melbourne and despite the unusually chilly weather (and my nil layer of warm covering); the trip went well. No wonder actually. All I ever need for all things wonderful are your warm wishes and blessings and you have always been generous in giving them to me.

Melbourne Australia
Hello Melbourne!

Thank you for all your beautifully inspiring farewell comments the other day, I felt overwhelmed as I sat reading them in my hotel room in Melbourne. Each one of them. So much love, so much adoration... I knew at that very instant: Yes, this one too is going to be good too... all the way. To all of you, for all that you do, for being the pillar of my strength and for being such wonderful friends ... from the bottom of my heart; I say... a huge thank you.

Blogging break and Guest posts

As we speak of Halloween, it’s festival time in India as well! And that too, one of the most significant one from the Hindu calendar, the festival of lights, Diwali!

Happy Diwali - Earthen Diya
Happy Diwali!

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything,
That's how the light gets in.
~Leonard Cohen

As I am gearing up to light up my part of the world with diyas and lamps in the upcoming days, I am also stepping into a mini blogging break for recharging my writing batteries.

In the meantime, leaving you with a few of my blogger friends whom I have always admired for their honesty and integrity and who have been very kind to accept my guest invitation to write for ‘My Yatra Diary’.

Bye for now, but I promise to be back very very soon! Take care.

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  1. Arti, I was thinking of you a few days ago - wondering how your trip went. Sounds like you needed one of my winter coats! Have a good rest.

  2. Do enjoy your blogging break! I look forward to your return!

  3. I love Leonard Cohen and this is a great song! So, Australia celebrates Halloween! We have just finished up for the evening and are turning the porch light off. We do not celebrate it personally, but will indulge our grandchild.

  4. It was nice to learn that you enjoyed your stay in Melbourne, Arti!Awaiting to hear your stories and seeing pics! Best wishes for Diwali!

  5. Arti, Good morning. Nice to read your beautiful post and nice photos.Hope we soon read your new posts.

    ~Wishing you and your family a very Happy Diwali~

  6. I was eagerly waiting for your Melbourne blog. Hope to see more of Melbourne in forthcoming blogs.

    1. Thanks, Neeraj. I shall be writing about Melbourne very soon, perhaps after 2-3 guest posts. Sincere apologies to keep you waiting but I will try my best to bring it out asap. I hope it shows you a nice glimpse of what Melbourne is all about. :)

  7. Welcome home on time to celebrate Diwali.

    Chilly weather? now in Australia? Aww.. You must be very weather sensitive girl! :-)

    Wish you a very Happy Diwali,

    1. Ah yeah. I heard that Melbourne was witnessing a nonseasonal cold and windy spring this year, Nisha and I found myself in the midst of it. :( And yes, I am weather sensitive too, so that just made things worse.

  8. Wow... Will wait to read you experiences...

  9. I have landed on your blog for the first time, and I am happy to be here! Nice halloween pictures!

    1. Thank you, Renuka. Happy to have you here too! Welcome to my diary! :-)

  10. Happy Deepavali & Happy Halloween ! And have a wonderful week end. Best Wishes Ram

  11. oh ur in melbourne...happy travels...and happy diwali!!


  12. Halloween has become quite a phenomenon world over. Even here in India it is slowly catching over. Welcome back to India and wishing you a very Happy Diwali.

  13. Arti, Nice pics!
    Glad your trip was fine even without the warm clothing!
    The warmth of an eager traveler can win over anything and anyone!
    Wish you a Happy Diwali! :)

  14. Happy Diwali to you and your family Arti:-)

  15. Halloween masks and Diwali lights
    Noise is a problem, however.
    Masks - part of day-to-day life?

  16. Lovely Captures Arti :) Waiting for you to come out from your blogging break.... :)

  17. Happy Diwali, Arti.

    Looking forward to the Melbourne stories and pics. :)

  18. I will look forward to your return. And I'm glad (but not surprised) that you had a good time in Melbourne! You are a true traveler, finding good and happiness everywhere.

  19. happy Halloween. They are so lovely.

  20. Diwali wishes to you and your family Arti.... Can't wait to see your Melbourne pictures :)

  21. Happy Diwali to you too Arti.. See ya soon :)

  22. Welcome back Arti - sounds you had an amazing trip! And hoe lovely, you did return right for Diwali! Happy Festival of light to you! We so need the light here, as the days are getting garker. Enjoy your break!

  23. Happy DIWALI for you and your family there. Wait your Melbourne story :)

  24. Welcome back Arti. Good to hear you had a wonderful trip! Beautiful Halloween!

  25. ❥°º•.¸
    Belas fotos, ótimo Diwali.

    Bom domingo!
    Boa semana!

  26. I will be here when you get back!♥

  27. Looking forward to hearing more of your Australian adventures. A happy Diwali to you and yours.

  28. Sounds like you had a nicel overseas trip again! Otousan accompanied you as before? It may take time to put together the stories or pictures but I'm looking forword to seeing them posted.
    Happy Diwali to you and your family,Arti!

    1. So good to hear from you, cosmos. Yes, you guessed it right -- Otousan was there too and we reminisced about Japan and all of you many many times in the trip. :) In fact, we always do.

      I so look forward to your company too when my Melbourne stories are out, cosmos, thank you so much for your wishes. :)

  29. Arti, looks like I missed all your Melbourne fun. I have to go back and read all those posts! Hope you had a great time there! I loved the spooky pictures in this post. Happy Diwali to you and your family. Hope all is well! Cheers, Anu.

    1. Thanks, Anu. I did spend a wonderful time in Melbourne and you haven't missed much of Melbourne as yet. Melbourne stories will be up very soon!

  30. What a wonderful time you had ! So happy for you Arti :)

    1. Thank you so much, Puru :) All wishes like yours make it what it is.

  31. Thank you so much, EVERYONE for lighting up my little space with all your festival wishes and blessings. With warm love and humble regards, I heartily reciprocate the same to all of you and hope all of you had a wonderful time. May we continue to spread the light of joy, happiness and cheer to all around us, the year round. :)

  32. Με τις όμορφες φωτογραφίες σου και την ενδιαφέρουσα ξενάγηση σου, ήταν σαν να 'ημουν μαζί σου!
    Να περάσεις μια ευτυχισμένη γιορτή!
    Σου στέλνω μια μεγάλη φιλική αγκαλιά και φιλιά!

  33. Hi Arti.
    Welcome Back to India.
    Waiting for your Posts on Melbourne now, I am sure you must have had lot of fun.
    Belated Happy Diwali too :)

  34. Wow...you been to Melbourne..that must have been fun..yes, Halloween for the first time is thrilling. In Folsom, I have seen people spend thousands of dollars over the years and deck up their houses...they do amazingly well. Hope you had a fun filled Diwali :)

  35. Hi Arti, Hope you had a freaky Halloween Melbourne trip girl. And Diwali of course...Happy Belated Diwali wishes Arti :)

  36. Happy to see you back Arti, with wonderful pics of Halloween :) Have peaceful time during break, I'll be waiting for more wonderful posts from Australia..:)

  37. Long time, no see, Arti. Excuse me for not having visited you for long. October was my blogging break and I’ve been in the middle of various things including happy and sad things. How wonderful you had another adventure trip to Australia! I guessed something and it turned I was right to read your recommend to “cosmos”. You’re getting a real global person. These scary but somewhat charming Halloween monsters are not something you can expect in Japan, however, more and more young parents are having fun with their friends and little children on Halloween. I like this phrase: “There is a crack in everything, That's how the light gets in. ”


  38. I am glad you enjoyed yourself in Melbourne.Even in this short post you have given nice glimpses pf how Halloween is celebrated.
    Waiting for Melbourne when you are fresh and free.
    Love n hugs.

  39. I am looking forward to what you saw in Melbourn. Now Halloween that must have been a new celebration for you to learn. Was my favorite growing up and evening as a young adult, I loved being able to dress up and go out and people not know who I was. It has become so commercialized here. Enjoy your break.

  40. Just how embarrassing and uncomfortable can Michael Scott get? That question was answered in the latest episode, "Diwali." Even though the episode centered on an Indian Diwali festival that Kelly invited her coworkers to, Michael completely stole the episode with a truly dizzying number of uncomfortable situations. Daily Show vet Steve Carell has become the king of the uncomfortable moment, throwing himself completely into situations viewers know won't end well.

    new york to charlotte

  41. Hey Arti,

    Glad to see the changed look of the blog and nice articles. You can also hide the navbar for more professional look or I guess very soon, Google will also do the needful to hide it.


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