Ganesh Chaturthi: Let's go Ganpati Pandal Hopping in Mumbai!

If it’s Lord Ganesha’s Birthday, it’s got to be special. And one of the most special features of this event is the ‘Ganpati Pandals’ that come up in hordes especially in Mumbai. 

Sahyadri Ganpati Mandal, Tilak nagar - Chembur
Theme: Celebrating 50 years of Indian Cinema

A 11 day Ganpati Pandal in a locality in Mumbai

Thematic, creative and decorative... pandals like these serve as His address for the festive 11 days of Ganesh Chaturthi, the place where He resides royally amidst lots of music, faith, devotion, affection, dances, rituals and of course, a lot of sweets. He loves meeting people here, He loves listening to their problems and He assures to grant them a blessing of happiness, in abundance. What’s more? If you wish to meet Him, all you need to do is step out of your house, and there he is: Sitting pretty in one of those tents, in your own locality or in the adjoining one perhaps or else you might just bump into Him in your neighbour’s house!

Ganpati Pandal Hopping in Mumbai:

Being a Mumbai-ite, I love pandal hopping and more so when WE, you and me, do this together every year! So how about joining hands again this year and hopping over to meet our friend Ganesha in some of the Ganpati Pandals of Mumbai? After all, what better time will there be than "now" to fast track our plea’s and get His blessings (we can also try our luck by bribing him with extra large modaks!).

I don’t want to miss this chance and I am sure you are saying the same. So,without wasting any further time, let’s just go and catch Him!


Look at His little eyes, His large pot belly, His widespread ears, His (PR) vehicle mouse, His pot sized belly, His endearing gaze --- The more I see Him from one Ganesh pandal to another, the more His charm keeps growing on me...

We Love You, Dear Ganesha

And, what I realize... is that I love Him. What makes it even more special is that every time He is home, He seems to be whispering the same to me – I love you too. It's a different bond, a personal communion, a feeling unknown ...

Yes, I do feel it. What about you? Do you feel it too?

|| Ganpati Bappa Morya ||

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  1. So many different images of him here, I suppose there are really thousands of depictions!

  2. Yes, that's small eyes really touch my heart too wherever i met him, he has plenty of love for anyone.

    Thank you Arti for the pandal tour, you make me want to fly there now :(

    i should write Mumbai on my next destination,

  3. What a delightful post, Arti! I really enjoyed looking at each picture of Ganesha - same but still so different...:-) Love it!

  4. Crazy pandal hopping at Ganesh festival i n Mumbai and Pune and at Durga Puja in Delhi/ Kolkatta are treats not to be missed:) Thanks Arti, for bringing the lovely images!

  5. Arti, Awesome post. Thanks a lot for sharing beautiful photos of Ganesh Chaturthi Festival , Mumbai. Great.
    ~ Ganpati Bappa Morya ~

  6. You must have got lot of 'prasad' no? Great versions of one God! Great shots!

  7. Wow Ganapathi in a wide range of shapes sizes & colors. Thanks for this wonderful tour Arti.

  8. Replies
    1. Yes we celebrate the Ganesh Festival with a lot of enthusiasm. Just check this link to know more:

  9. Hi. Nice ptures. Very interesting story and very beautiful photos.
    Thanks for sharing.

  10. Beautiful captues. Thanks for the virtual darshan of Ganpati,one wonders how many roops he he has?

  11. wow! such gorgeous images of Ganapathy baba . You must be excited in his wonderful vibrant presence :)

  12. wow....absolutely beautiful pictures of my favorite god...loved each and every one. :) thanks for sharing

  13. Wow..Every Ganpati Pandal looks awesome.. :)Nice Capture..

  14. This is one festival, I love celebrating.

  15. Good work. Yes we all are in need of blessings from him and I guess many of us have offered him large modaks as well.

  16. Bonito festival!
    Boa Noite!
    Ótima quarta-feira!
    º° ✿✿ ♫° ·.

  17. Lovely images. He is the god loved by many .

  18. Great piece. Makes me feel nostalgic. Had managed to go right in front of Lalbagcha Raja around 1 am in 2008 when the pandal was near empty. People kept on asking me how did U manage.

  19. I enjoyed the Pandal hopping. Thanks a lot for this wonderful trip! I got to experience this rich culture through your words and photographs. I always love seeing India's traditions and more!

  20. Wow, so many Ganeshas with various different vibrant colors! Sorry if this sounds rude to him, but Lord Ganesha is so charming. You have so many special days all the year round, Arti, that you can’t keep still. Have wonderful September ahead.

    Thanks for your Comment. Yours is always so encouraging.


  21. There are many kinds of stature. All of them are colorful and look happy.

  22. I used to enjoy this event when I was in Mumbai... Nice Pictures! :)

  23. Wow ! Lovely captures :) Thanks for sharing :)

  24. I am late to the Birthday Party, but I enjoyed it so much as always. I have a little souvenir statue of Lord Ganesh right beside my computer. Our grandkids sent it to me when they traveled to India ...they said he is the Patron of writers, so I keep it here by my keyboard! (Even though I certainly don't call myself a real writer of course!)

    Thank you for including me on the birthday hop! The pandals are exquisite, each one more beautiful than the last!

  25. Nice pictures. Reminds me of durga pooja in Kolkata

  26. Fascinating and your photos are just stunning in different colors!!

  27. Thank you Arti, I enjoyed Ganpati Pandal hopping with you!
    Yes, I can hear my Ganesh wispering blessing to me on the sidetable:)

  28. It is as much a celebration of artistry as it is of Ganesha, isn't it?

  29. Great photos on his different forms... Beautiful capture on the pandals Arti!

    You share great festival spirit here.

  30. I missed Ganpathi hopping this year as I was in Goa. But nice captures Arti. I dont feel I have missed it now :)

  31. So many pictures. You should definitely come to Pushkar in November. The camel festival is going to start. I bet you can get some amazing & colourful images of city and its people.

    Jatin from

  32. Wow! so wonderfully crafted all of these Ganeshas.

    And this is a great way to go Pandal hopping. Thank you Arti. :)

  33. I am always amazed with all the temples and how grand they used to make the altars back then. It seemed to be the same practice in most Asia countries.

  34. That was great-a first time for me.
    So many images-all benevolent,beatific.No doubts He feels nearer than any other deity.

  35. what a collection of images .....great!


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