Epson Aquarium, Shinagawa in Tokyo

Day 3 in Tokyo: Meiji Jingu Shrine - ISKCON Temple, Funabori - EPSON AQUARIUM, SHINAGAWA

A huge board directs you towards the Epson Aquarium as you step outside the Shinagawa station, one of the central and more crowded stations of Tokyo, a wade of shops and café restaurants leading to its entrance; this was our final destination in Tokyo.

Inside The Multi Storied Epson Aquarium

There are two levels to this indoor entertainment complex.

Entrance to the dolphin pool at the Epson Aquarium, Prince Hotel Shinagawa - Japan
Entrance to the Epson Aquarium - The Base Level

At the base level is an amusement space for kids besides the computerized ticket vending counter.

The real action starts at the first level. Here is where you walk into the beautiful world of marine, literally! A large tunnel overhead housing the exclusive alfred manta greets you at the very onset.

Alfred manta at the Epson Aquarium, Prince Hotel Shinagawa - Japan
The Alfred Manta in the overhead tunnel - the only one on display in Japan

Small and big glass paned tanks lined in succession flank each of the sides. Different species of world’s sea creatures (around 10,000 marine animals of about 350 species) and other aquatic animals like sawfish, sharks, stingrays, penguins, etc peep out through them. 

Coral reef set at the Epson Aquarium, Prince Hotel Shinagawa - Japan
Colorful marvels - Dwellings for our ocean friends

Aquatic marvel creatures at the Epson Aquarium, Prince Hotel Shinagawa - Japan
Star Fish

Fishes at the Epson Aquarium, Prince Hotel Shinagawa - Japan
Tropical fishes

Crab at the Epson Aquarium, Prince Hotel Shinagawa - Japan
Giant Crabs

Penguins at the Epson Aquarium, Prince Hotel Shinagawa - Japan
Penguins in a sunset themed house giving me a pose

Sea horse at the Epson Aquarium, Prince Hotel Shinagawa - Japan
Sea Horse

Semicircle angelfish at the dolphin pool at the Epson Aquarium, Prince Hotel Shinagawa - Japan
Semicircle Angelfish

It was fascinating to see the beauty of this part of the world whirling so close to me. The entire experience was only elevated by the aqua-radiance lighting of the waters that flashed across the otherwise dark enclosure.

The Epson Aquarium, Prince Hotel Shinagawa - Japan
Take a stroll in a fantastic world of marine -The Epson Aquarium!

The Seal Show

One of the twin highlights of the aquarium is The seal show! The seals obey their masters especially if treated with their favorite foods. So - they giggle, wag their fins, pass through rings, kick a ball and what’s more, they even throw a tantrum!

The sea lions show at the Epson Aquarium, Prince Hotel Shinagawa - Japan
Sea lions performing at the Epson Aquarium, Prince Hotel Shinagawa - Japan
Look at that seal performing!

What’s particularly striking though is the amazing rapport they share with the audience! The audience is held captive by the humor and the clever skill of the artistes and burst for an encore every now and then. And all that I am left wishing for is a translator so that I could pick up the jokes being cracked.

The conclusion of this show takes you to the final highlight of the aquarium which is another show – The dolphin show.

The Dolphin Show

Four trainers stand at 4 points of the pool each having 2 dolphins to play with. Amid loud cheers and claps resounding in the hall, it is fascinating to see these charming and friendly creatures twirl, dive and perform somersault – all at a slightest snap of their master’s finger! For all this, they are well rewarded too, in the form of food!

Dolphin pool at the Epson Aquarium, Prince Hotel Shinagawa - Japan
Dolphin show at the Epson Aquarium, Prince Hotel Shinagawa - Japan
Dolphin stunts at the Epson Aquarium, Prince Hotel Shinagawa - Japan
The Dolphin Show

Tips and Fast Facts

1. The tickets are a bit expensive. So visit it only if you really like visiting aquariums. Also, do take care of the show timings and reach the venue at the appropriate time.

2. The two shows last for about 20 minutes each. Once you purchase the tickets, you are free to roam around anywhere in the aquarium.

3. The seal show is in Japanese language and does not offer any kind of translation facilities. Be prepared to miss out on all the verbal fun, in the seal show particularly, if you do not understand the language. The dolphin show on the other hand is still more or less a purely visual delight!

Price: 1800 Yen (for adults)

How to Reach: 2 minute walk from Shinagawa metro station (Takanawa entrance).

Evening Show Timing: 5.00 PM JST

More information here:

Previous Posts from the Japan Trip -

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  1. Aquariums never cees to amaze me! I lpve that underwater feel - and this one looks just splendid Arti! Can't believe it's so hot where you live right now - not hot chocolate, a cool Mango-Lassi is what you need! Hugs from germany!

  2. Perfect!!! This aquarium reminds me of Sea Life Park in Hawaii.

  3. What a terrific aquarium, Arti, and your captures are superb as always! Such a wonderful tour you've taken us on!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

  4. Hi Arti,
    happy navrathri .
    Bright and colorful pics. Wish I cold see a video of dolphin show.

  5. Arti ,

    Wonderful post. The aquarium was beautiful . I have been to only one aquarium that too in Mumbai called Taraporewala Aquarium and whole aquarium gets finished in 15 mins plus no photography is allowed. But this one was fanatstic and icing on the cake was the shows of seals and dolphins. Penguins were real surprise for aquariums in Japan.

    Loved reading and watching .

    Keep Travelling and Posting

  6. @Arti Nice to read your new post.
    Wow so beautiful photographs, Thanks a lot for sharing.
    Have a nice weekend.
    ~@ Happy Durga Puja @~

    Best Regards

  7. I am really liking the extended japan travelogue!!!

    lovely sea animals!!
    but dear these dolphins are treated in most cruel way since their childhood to become what they are.....i saw on national geographic...and though they are not treated badly by the aquarium people .....they have long periods of boredom when there are no shows...and that decreases their life span....

    its a sad life for them..and in Us, there has been strong protest to either stop bringing these dolphins to the pools or rehabilitate them!!

    the least we can do is NOT to watch such shows!!!

  8. Isn't it such fun to watch dolphins! They're adorable. I love these glass tunnels in aquariums, too. Walking through them is an experience like no other.
    Nice pictures, Arti. :)

  9. thanks for the names of fish
    beautiful photos

  10. Attractive collection of fish and other aquatic creatures. The seal and dolphin shows must have been stunning and scintillating. Great post Arti.
    Have a great weekend. Ram

  11. That giant crab looks freaky. Like so many things, I find it hard to believe we eat something that looks like that!

  12. Hi Arti,

    Looks like you had a wonderful visit here, seeing all the fish and marine creatures must have been amazing.
    Thanks for sharing all your fabulous photos.
    I love the penguins posing.

    Happy weekend

  13. Would have been a wonderful experience. I love fishes and the aquatic life forms. I may not like to come out. Thanks for this beautiful info.

  14. Another lovely post Arti! My heartiest congratulations for the lovely post you wrote on Melbourne which has earned you yet another trip! Enjoy Melbourne and write about your travel in details!! I wish you see many more places :)

  15. Getting jealous with you Arti... Joapn is one of my Favorite Country and through your blog I am enjoying this a lot...

  16. This is fantastic, Arti. Wonderful images!

  17. wonderfull clicks of aquarium ... felt transported to a completely new world...

  18. Hi! Thank you very much for visiting my blog.
    I have not been this aqarium. Your photos are very beautiful.
    My former blog is as follows.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  19. Thank you @Everyone. The aquarium was a good experience but in hindsight, I would have loved to skip this one for some shopping in the Ginza district which I had to miss due to lack of time :(

    @D Nambiar @Ashwini CN I think, since we don’t get to see dolphin shows in India, it carries a unique novelty factor for us. But after the comment by shooting star, I don’t feel like watching such shows anymore. :)

    @Vineeta My diary is just showing a small fraction of ‘the beauty’ that Japan is; I wish you get to see the whole of it in person someday :)

    @Rahul Sir, thanks a lot for your good wishes and blessings and heartiest congratulations to you as well :)

    @shooting star Good grief, that is very sad to know Sushmita. It’s kind of cruel and I will be reading more on this. Thanks for the heads-up. I am now wondering if the seals go through something similar as well.

    @chitra Wish I could show you a video of the seal show. I loved it a lot more - the only thing missing over there were the English translations. Happy Navratri to you too :)

    @Vishal Same here, I have been only to the Taraporewala Aquarium and even that was a long time ago. You are right, this aquarium is a lot smaller when compared to the Epson. Writing this post had made me a lot nostalgic too. :)

  20. Fantastic post, as always, Arti. The photos too - it feels as though I am there, watching all that you have written about!

  21. º°♪♫♫
    Muito bonito.

    Bom fim de semana!
    °º♪ Brasil ♫♫♫

  22. Wow, what a place, amazing to see the sea dwellers so close, safe and I trust happy

  23. Very good review of the place, Arti. I love aquariums since i am fascinated with underwater creatures, however, i am not too sure if i am willing to pay if it is expensive since i get most joy when i see them in natural habitat

  24. Hi Arti!
    Happy Navratri! I am out of station at our ancestral house in Shillong. This year ma durga's pratima is offered from our side so it is a very busy time. Came here just to wish you and thanks for your lovely wishes.Regards.

  25. Beautiful photographs, wonderful place. I am greeting

  26. That looks like an awesome place to spend a day off. I'll hit it once I go to Tokyo. The price is also affordable :). Thanks for the details and some additional info x

    Happy travels!


  27. Oh man - I love an aquarium, but somehow never knew there was one in Tokyo so totally missed out. We did visit the one in Osaka, however, and it was AMAZING... though no dolphin shows!

  28. Hi!

    I enjoy a lot reading your blog. How can I find you on Twitter and what's your e-mail?

    I can't find it anywhere

  29. Your article remind me about a movie call "The Cove".

    It's documentary movie about Japan, Blood and Dolphin. I can't stop crying after watch this movie.

    Check this links Arti,

  30. Thanks Everyone!

    @Agness Sorry about that. My email id is - and twitter handle is @artisdiary. Let me know how can I help you :)

    @Mareta Thanks for the link. Will check this out.

  31. Wow - that is some aquarium! Great shots - love those penguins.

  32. My dear friend Arti
    Thank you for your interest!
    We are all doing well and I expect at any moment our first grandchild.
    Is it hot in Greece aand swimming every day.Also, knit for the baby :)
    See you in November.
    The picture of you from Japan, AMAZING!
    A hug and kisses

  33. I have been there with my family before. Penguins are so cute. :)

  34. Oh my goodness, what an amazing looking place, I would loved to have visited here.

  35. That looks to be an elaborate and comprehensive aquarium. Those giant crabs are scary! Like something out of a monster movie. I like the colorful pretty fish more.

  36. An aquarium is one of my favorite places. The world in water is magical. all beings look more vivid, more tranquil, and move slowly, but gracefully.
    I really want to go through the tunnel of the Alfred Manta. Manta is fascinating!
    Wishing you a wonderful autumn day!

  37. what a splendid journey i had today of epson aquarium thanks to this post Arti..!

  38. Seems u r having a great time in Japan...

    Dolphins r always amazing & intelligent...

    R u back to India or still in Japan?

  39. I didn't know about the aquarium. As it is in the big city Tokyo, children can learn about water creatures.
    Lately a new aquqrium was built in Kyoto city. Nara city doesn't have.
    Have a nice week!

  40. It's like a whole other world!

  41. How fun and so close to the train station! It seems like you get to see so much than just fishes in a tank.

  42. Nice to know you visited one of the most fascinating aquariums in Japan, Arti. We have “Kaiyukan” in Osaka. Being in an aquarium is so soothing. I especially liked it when I visited with my young kids (long ago) in their summer holidays...., it was cool in dual meaning. I’ll return to the new post later.


  43. Glad you got to visit the aquarium. Too bad the show's in Japanese only.

  44. @Jitaditya I am back, just documenting things now :-)

  45. Wish one day will visit the place. So many things to see here, and ur series on it is splendid :)

  46. beautiful captures :) :)

  47. Hi Arti,

    What a lovely and totally enjoyable place this is. How i wish we had places like these in India as well.
    You must have had a ball of a time.
    Keep posting ;)



  48. I love aquariums and espeacially the sea lion or the dolphin shows I have seen ..

    lovely pics


  49. have brought it alive for your readers

  50. Amazing place. I would love to be there.

  51. Seems amazing ! Still to see the big aquariums..Hopefully will materialize soon.

  52. Divinely, enchantingly, surreally sublime...!!! :-)

  53. Pretty captures as usual, a visual feast for the eyes!!
    Is the Star Fish seems to be imitating Usain Bolt!!!

  54. I love these beautiful sea creatures, they are so lively and full of life. But I hate the fact that dolphins and seals and other sea creatures are tortured. Rajagopalan Ratnaraj had written a disturbing post about how these lovely dolphins are tortured sometime back. I really don't enjoy such shows. :(


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