My Mount Fuji Moment in Japan

I loved Japan. But did Japan love me too?

In the 6 days that went by, Japan floored me. Completely. With it’s beauty, it’s artistry, its originality and it’s way of doing up things. And now the time had come to return back to my country, India.

The landscape outside had been consistent for a while with a thick fog of cloud cover underneath - white was all that my eyes could see. A
ll of a sudden, the clouds cleared giving way to an unusual tapering structure protruding out from the dense misty cover.

What was it?

Mt. Fuji - Japan

It was Mount Fuji - Japan's highest mountain
and the sacred symbol of the country!

Speechless, I gaped outside. At 3776 meters, Mount Fuji (or Fujisan) rendered a beautiful medley of all that Japan was - calm, composed, elegant, graceful and enigmatic – all in one single phenomena. It was such a beautiful sight to behold. I stared and stared, never blinking for a moment till I saw it no more. The clouds curtained it again, just a few moments of flash and poof! It was gone!

They say, you are really blessed if you can spot and get a clear glimpse of the generally shy Mount Fuji. Just like they say it for the Neelkanth Peak in the Garhwal Himalayas.

I loved Japan. And yes, Japan loved me too.

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  1. Such an incredible sight and what an awesome capture, Arti!! This one really took my breath away!! Have a great weekend!

  2. You stayed for 6 days but it appears that you were there for months together. Enjoyed your Japanese jaunt.

  3. Yes Mt Fuji symbolizes the beauty and strengths of this lovely country:)

  4. oh, Mt. Fuji is so beautiful when you saw it and captured it, I am so glad for you Arti, Japan returned the love to you by giving you a beautiful sight of Mt. Fuji and of course all those beautiful experiences you had.

  5. How wonderfuk Arti - Mount Fuji was tellinh you good bye - bacause you love Japan so much!

  6. Oh my this is just wonderful!!!! Truly an awesome moment in your life! And how lucky that it was visible and no clouds in the way. You took a perfect picture, are you going to frame and display it? To remember always.

  7. Your photographic journey through Japan has been filled with wonder and so much beauty, it's almost unimaginable all of the sights, sounds, and tastes you must have experienced. You've rendered a beautiful country even more enticing and your tips on travel and lodging have been most helpful and informative. How blessed you were to see Mr. Fuji as a final, parting sight to behold. That was magic. thanks for sharing Japan with us Arti, it has been most delightful.

  8. wonder it is considered Sacred, it looks so diving.

  9. Arti, Nice to read your post.Truly amazing view of Mount Fuji, great capture.
    Have a nice weekend to you & all.

  10. Hi,

    I would like to have a Guest blogpost or Article link for my client Travel site.. I would like to have my links to be posted on your blogpost.

    Can you please provide me the pricing plan for the same?


    1. Hi Nikunj,

      Can you please mail me some more details regarding this at - Thanks for contacting!

  11. That was really beautiful. Somehow when i was in Japan, it was not season and Fuji San was closed.

    By the way, just wanted to let you know I have given you one of those blogger awards.

    I know you probably don't do these tags. But still.....

    1. Thank you very much, TF. Highly honored to have received it from you. Thank you :-)

  12. Breathtaking view...lovely pic...wish i could also be there....

  13. Wow thats so wonderful!!!!A must visit place for sure

  14. Incredibly beautiful ^ mesmerizing image. It is also known as Fuji Yama ? You are really in love with this beautiful country Japan !
    Happy Women's Day Arti.

    1. Good question, sir. I googled to know more about it and Wiki tells us that Fujisan is also more 'rarely' known as Fujiyama by some sources and speakers. However, Fujiyama actually is a steel roller coaster in Japan.


  15. Hello, Arti.

     Your heartwarming works fascinates my heart.

     Thank you for your kindness and support.
     And i pray for you and yours peace.

    Have a good week-end. From Japan, ruma❃

  16. Wow! That's remarkable and memorable sight to ever last. Glad u got this opportunity :)

  17. Mt. Fuji above the clouds is awesome! I haven’t known you did such a dramatic parting with Japan till now. Your wish to see it was answered in the most satisfactory and memorable way. Perfectly lovely!


    1. You said it, Yoko. I think, dramatic is the word! I was thrilled to get a glimpse of Mt Fuji at the last hour and was so lucky to have my camera ready at that moment.

  18. View is really wonderful. Nice capture. Visiting your blog for the first time. Will be back for more :)

  19. That is an amazing view. Did you have a chance to visit it closer up?

    1. Unfortunately, no :-( This was the closest I got to Mount Fuji!

  20. WOW, Arti! What a great sight and such great luck for you. During our 8 days in Japan we didn't catch a glimpse of Mt. Fuji but that was during the summer. We'd love to return during cooler weather to catch a glimpse.

  21. What a beautiful shot. Fortunately, I sometimes see Mt Fuji from my neighborhood. :)

  22. It looks like Japan stuck out its hand to wave good bye to you on the plane! How marvelous and lucky to capture this moment! It's an amazing photo.

    I hope you have a great weekend too!

  23. Why shouldn't Japan love so courteous, respectful, lovable and appreciative people like you! I am happy the way Mt. Fuji saw you off, expressing our gratitude to you on behalf of us.
    I always immerse myself in your poetic, descriptive and picturesque writing. Thank you again, Arti.

    1. That is very a sweet comment, cosmos, I'm overwhelmed by all the love that all of you shower on me. Thank you so much. :-) But honestly speaking, I think I was was only trying my best to reflect all the qualities that all Nara bloggers displayed in abundance.

  24. ¸.•°♡⊱╮╮

    Passei para uma visitinha.
    O Monte Fuji faz parte de uma paisagem deslumbrante.
    Bom fim de semana!


  25. Wow!! What a place :-)
    Thanks for sharing.

  26. How lucky you are to see it and its a perfect Click.
    Mount Fuji is one of the icons of Japan I guess.
    Loving the Picture.

  27. It's absolutely stunning, my friend! I will never forget those Himalayan peaks which are forever etched in my mind!

  28. I hope you have a great weekend too!

  29. What a gorgeous image, and it must be so great to see!

  30. Awesome picture! Doesn't it want to make you climb it? :)

    I've always been fascinated with Japan and the Japanese people... their technology, culture, discipline. There's so much to learn from them.

  31. Hi Arti

    How wonderful you got to get this snap and thanks for showing us.
    To see Mt Fuji and the cherry blossoms is something I would like to see one day

    Happy new week

  32. hi! I have seen many Mt.Fuji's photos from a airplane. Your photo is best.
    Thank you for sharing.

  33. Awesome Fuji. Your posts on Japan were equally awesome.

  34. Mt Fuji looks so beautifull ... as you mentioned it seems to have all the qualities Japan represents calm, composed, elegant, graceful and is like the perfect dessert to have at the end of a meal ; P

    Super Yummy Recipes

  35. That is a stunning shot!

  36. I can imagine it much have been a breathtaking experience, Arti. I am very sure Japan loved you the way you loved Japan. Who wouldn't? The way you have "lived" your Japan experience on your blog, it feels like we were right there with you. I am so happy for you. :)


  37. Thanks for allowing me to use the photos.
    I wanted to send you mail but I could not find your email id on blog thus, I am writing it in a comment.

    If possible, can you mail me photos, which you want I should use it?
    Or should I use the all the photos from Japan Tag post.

    My email id is


    You can let me know through comment should I use all the photos from Japan Tag , the photos which I like.

    You can delete this comment


  38. It surely did love you back .. thank you for sharing the love with us! That picture is fantastic.

  39. What a fantastic shot! Such a blessing to receive this view as you return to India, magnificent enough to last you a lifetime :)

  40. Beautiful picture, fantastic view. Greetings

  41. Wow " Mt.Fuji! No wonder why it is considered a divine symbol in Japan. The snow covered head of Fuji almost hidden amidst the cotton clouds - that picture is so captivating! Glad you saw them, and brought them live for us!

  42. I still remember the set of photos that one of my friends shared when he visited Mount fuji a few years back..Wonderful spot..Liked revisiting it again now..

  43. It looks divine from within those clouds! You were really lucky Arti. Wonderfully captured too

  44. fantastic glimpse of Mt Fuji!
    Cheers :)

  45. wow! beautiful Arti! your words and your captured image touched my heart beyond made me see Japan in all its grandeur and I am wishing I could one sweet day like you visit it...thank you for taking me there through your chronicles that are always beautifully composed and written from the day I would love to meet you in will be such an honor :)

  46. Wow...that is such a beautiful sight! Lovely series...felt like i was on a trip to Japan. Well done, Arti!

  47. What an incredible sight, Arti. I was waiting to read about Mt Fuji. That must have been terrific....
    lucky girl!!:))

  48. You have captured the pic perfectly Arti! It's an awesome click!

  49. Wow!! what a picture of the volcanic mountain! It looks stunning amongst the clouds.

  50. Amazing! Truly blessed you are! I really appreciate your efforts to document every part of your journey in such excruciating detail. Hats off!

  51. You're so lucky to have seen this wonderful creation, Arti. It's a dream to see Mount Fuji upclose and personal.

  52. Incredible! Speechless indeed!
    How lucky you are and thanks for sharing.

  53. Superb shot indeed...never knew Japan was so beautiful

  54. Breathtaking sight Arti... hope i see it too, someday :-)

  55. Beautiful post, best click..:)
    Please do check mine and comment:

  56. Incredible! Tremendous! Thank you Arti:)

  57. wow.. thanks for sharing the beautiful pic and your beautiful experience :)

  58. Great pic! I suppose i is from a plane? You are really lucky to get to see this!

  59. So lovely! And so jealous that you got to see it with your own eyes!

  60. Wow! What a moment!..must be a lifetime experience for you to witness this....wonderful picture... :-)

  61. Breathtaking view...lovely pic...wish i could also be there..

  62. Its an awesome view... breathtaking ! A treasure moment ..Yes definitely a Kodak er.. Fuji moment Arti :)


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